Now available in a brand-new format
Optimized layout for smoother reading
Discover an enhanced reading experience with our newly optimized layout. Designed for clarity and ease, the improved structure ensures seamless navigation and better comprehension. Dive into the content effortlessly, making your journey through "Ecosystemize Your Business" more enjoyable and productive.
Easier annotation and referencing
Our updated edition features advanced tools for easier annotation and referencing. Quickly mark important sections and effortlessly navigate through your notes. This streamlined approach helps you keep track of key insights and apply them effectively in your business strategy.
Better Usability for easier reading
Experience enhanced usability with the latest edition of our book, "Ecosystemize Your Business." We have integrated user-friendly features to make reading and navigating easier. Enjoy intuitive access to content, ensuring your learning process is both efficient and enjoyable.
What is Ecosystemize Your Business about?
Our new book – Ecosystemize Your Business, will become the go-to management handbook for mastering the next stage of the global digital revolution. Taking advantage of ecosystem opportunities will be essential for ongoing innovation and successful growth. We believe the future lies in "ecosystemized" businesses strategies, requiring a whole-brain, whole-person approach that combines thinking and conceptualizing with feeling and action.
Our book is for
What our readers are saying
Ecosystemize Your Business is based on an easy-to-follow, step-by-step and stage-by-stage process.
It shows you how to Understand ecosystems and introduces our intuitive tools. Then, it's all about how to Strategize and Design thriving ecosystems. Finally, building and being part of highly dynamic ecosystems requires a proactive and agile way to implement your vision and Transform your business while constantly adapting to the ever-changing field.
A little preview of what you get
Sustained growth
The book introduces several innovative methods, tools and strategies that help business leaders and other practitioners to adapt quickly to marketplace changes and to map out a long-term strategy for sustained growth.
Step-by-step guide
The book provides readers a step-by-step guide that places human needs in the centre of ecosystem business transformation.
Ecosystem tools
The book provides readers with the tools they need to accurately visualize, intuitively understand and successfully navigate the dynamic, ever-changing ecosystem world in which every company is destined to compete.
Look inside the book
More about the authors of the book
Co-authored by 650+ strategy practitioners around the globe.
Why does the book exist and why should you read it now?
Helping companies navigate ecosystems is why we started this journey in the first place. It's why we wrote this book. With Ecosystemize Your Business, we aim to help all practitioners navigate the ecosystem jungle and win the collaboration game. We hope readers will utilize the book to master the basics, follow the process, and launch initiatives.

Out now on Amazon
If you are curious to learn more about this and additional details of ecosystem design, be sure to order your very own copy of Ecosystemize Your Business. Don’t delay. Order your very own copy of our book today.