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All the resources you need for your business are based on our management handbook, "Ecosystemize Your Business", and can only be understood when used in connection with this book. Click the button below to grab it now!

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The matching resources to Ecosystemize Your Business



Presentation to support you on your ecosystem journey

A presentation to help you communicate the basics to your team and convince them. Includes the Ecosystem Basics + 7 Whys.

The matching resources to Ecosystemize Your Business



Ecosystem-to-Human (E2H): The New Paradigm

With the help of the graphic on the new paradigm Ecosystem-to-Human (E2H) you will get a better understanding.


Exercise: Do You Already Think Ecosystem-to-Human (E2H)?

With the help of this exercise, you can check if you are already thinking in the new paradigm Ecosystem-to-Human.


Exercise: Which Role in the Ecosystem Are You Playing?

With this exercise, you will find out what role you play in an ecosystem.


The Ecosystemizer 10 Life Areas

With the help of the graphic you will get to know and understand the 10 Life Areas from the Ecosystemizer Framework better.



Examples of the Ecosystem Strategy Map (ESM) Adidas

Take a look at what Adidas' ecosystem looks like through the Ecosystem Strategy Map.


Examples of the Ecosystem Strategy Map (ESM) Oracle

Take a look at what Oracle's ecosystem looks like through the Ecosystem Strategy Map.


Examples of the Ecosystem Strategy Map (ESM) Shell

Take a look at what Shell's ecosystem looks like through the Ecosystem Strategy Map.


Examples of the Ecosystem Strategy Map (ESM) Zalando

Take a look at what Zalando's ecosystem looks like through the Ecosystem Strategy Map.


Exercise: What’s Your “Right to Win?”

Most organizations might find that, at first glance, their “right to win” the ecosystem game barely exists. This shouldn’t discourage them.


Graphic: The Ecosystem Domains Overview

Ecosystem Domains to identify which ecosystem topics fit for your future positioning and which Super Topics work for your business.


Graphic: The Ecosystem Forces

The Ecosystem Forces are crucial considerations whenever a company wants to make strategic decisions.


Guiding Questions For Thinking About External Forces

Based on the PESTEL analysis, companies need to examine the Political, Economical, Technological, Legal and Environmental factors.


Guiding Questions For Your Competitor’s Analysis

Go through these questions to get a better idea of your competition.


Guiding Questions For Your Market Research

Answer these questions for your market research and evaluate the external factors that have an impact on strategic decision-making.


The Strategic Directions - Overview

The Strategic Directions offer a human-centric scoping tool that guides you through all possible ecosystem scenarios.


Tool: Ecosystem Options Matrix

The positioning in the Ecosystem Option Matrix should yield an initial statement as to which strategy your company should pursue.


Tool: Ecosystem SWOT

Your company’s current Ecosystem Position has to be assessed and summarize the results in an Ecosystem SWOT.


Tool: The Ecosystem Strategic Ambition

At the beginning, every strategy process needs the right frame. This starts by asking the right questions.



Ecosystem Offering Portfolio

Process and timeline for your Ecosystem Offering portfolio.


Ecosystem Vision and Alignment

Develop your ecosystem vision from the status quo to your future ecosystem.


Guide: How To Convince Partners In Five Steps?

With the help of the Ecosystemizer tools, you will learn how to convince partners in five steps.


The Ecosystem Target Operating Model (ETOM)

To implement ecosystem initiatives and use cases in a structured manner, a clearly defined ETOM is needed.



Ecosystem Solution Matrix

The Ecosystem Solution Matrix forces you to put an idea into a specific field by discussing within your team to make the right decision.


Research: Identifying Needs

It all starts with identifying the relevant human needs.


The Ecosystem Business Model Canvas

Collaboration is key for a successful ecosystem. The EBMC helps you build your ecosystem.


The Ecosystem Design Grid (EDG)

Ecosystem Design Grid (EDG) is a tool to sketch, develop, and play with ecosystem configurations.


The Ecosystem Partner Matrix

The Ecosystem Partner Matrix allows you to evaluate and ensure win-win outcomes among all ecosystem players.



Business-Ökosysteme in der Fußballbundesliga

Eine Analyse der Erlösquellen und -potenziale der Erstligaclubs.


Global business ecosystems 2030 - Market size and potential

This publication has been created by a joint team of experts from PwC and Strategy&, PwC’s global strategy consultancy.

Ecosystemizer's blog

See interviews, read case studies & more in our blog

Read more about business ecosystems, our ecosystem framework, tools and how to navigate complex structures to grow your business with the help of ecosystems.

Julian Kawohl, Jens Lange, Markus Rosenbaum, Heike Nguyen

Successfully shaping insurance ecosystems

All insurers must develop an insurance ecosystem strategy for themselves to have a right to play for their customers in the future.

October 21, 2020
Read Blog Post

A summary of the Insurance Forums Leipzig Digital Workshop 2020

Read the summary of our 2-day workshop for insurance forums Leipzig (Versicherungsforen Leipzig). We introduced our ecosystem tools.

June 25, 2020
Read Blog Post

NVIDIA: Pioneering the AI Ecosystem

Explore how NVIDIA's AI ecosystem is driving innovation across industries and shaping the future of technology.

August 15, 2024
Read Blog Post

Ecosystem Strategy Map

The Ecosystem Strategy Map provides an intuitive structure for ecosystem positioning based off Ecosystem-to-Human methodology.

Download the Ecosystem Strategy now